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Just some thoughts from me to you.

I'm sitting here with Mikael as he is getting is nutrient protein IV. He's been in and out of sleep which is super fantastic as sleep isn't necessarily his friend right now. There are recliners lining the perimeters of the room and the gentlemen across from Mike is sleeping soundly - I know that mostly because he's snoring - but I'm okay with that because it means that man is resting and being refreshed and restored with every snore.

Mike chose to sit in the chair closest to a large window which is allowing the sun pour into the room. Even though it's cloudy and snowy, the sun is still gracing us with a bit of warmth. And as I sit here, it's hard not to be overwhelmed with thankfulness.

I'm thankful that I'm here sitting next to my brother as he is getting needed nutrients.

I'm thankful for the snow blowing because for me it is such a needed reminder of God's beauty.

I'm thankful to be reminded through likes on Facebook, messages and phone calls from friends and family of their continued prayers and support...

And with thankfulness comes hope.

Sitting here I was able to read through a woman's personal testimony of now being cancer free after being told she only had a year to live - that was five years ago.

As I read through the different treatments this woman herself used I was encouraged because a lot of them are the ones Mikael is on. Reading these was if God was like, "see!! Look at how good this is! Be encouraged! You're on the right path!!"

So I'll take that - I'm also passing it on to all of you too. To be united in hope carries such power. Don't ask me exactly why, but I feel the impact of it in my spirit.

For today, here is my prayer - would you join with me in praying this?

Thank you Father, for already redeeming this diagnosis with such hope and life. Right now I stand with boldness and declare all hope over Mikael and our family. May hope flood our thoughts and our prayers. For You are our HOPE - the very light of our salvation. Amen.


"The Lord is my light and my salvation -

whom should I fear?

The Lord is the stronghold of my life -

whom should I dread?

When evildoers came against me to devour my flesh,

my foes and my enemies stumbled and fell.

Though an army deploys against me,

my heart will not be afraid;

though a war breaks out against me,

I will still be confident."

Psalms 27:1-3

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